A Blank Page. Empty, yet brimming with possibility. We have created a book and named it *Lucid Canvas* — a collection for SS’25, unfolding in two chapters. The first speaks of spring, a story of new beginnings, where every line belongs to you. It is the quiet moment before motion, when nothing is yet written, but every possibility is open.

Shop collection


A Blank Page. Empty, yet brimming with possibility. We have created a book and named it *Lucid Canvas* — a collection for SS’25, unfolding in two chapters. The first speaks of spring, a story of new beginnings, where every line belongs to you. It is the quiet moment before motion, when nothing is yet written, but every possibility is open.

Shop collection

This chapter is shaped by pure forms, intricate architectural cuts, and natural fabrics. Soft hues and achromatic tones serve as a canvas upon which your story is yet to be told. A blank, open book—where you, as the protagonist, decide what will grace its pages.


The first chapter has begun.


And to be continued.

Shop collection

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